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Listing Property Type


Each of the listing that you create must be linked to a business type. Business type may include the type of accommodation the listing is about, such as Spa, cottage, apartment, and so on. The following image shows the Business Types listing.


Screen 1: Business Types listing

Editing Business Types

To create a new business type, click New. If you want to edit an existing Business Type, either click the entry or select the check box next to the entry, and then click Edit or just click on a title.


Screen 2: New Category tab screen

After you click the required entry that you need to edit, you can change the configurations based on the options as seen in the following table.


Provide a name for the Business Type


URL alias for “SEF/SEO” URL


Select the parent entry

Text box

Provide a description about the entry. You can format the text using the formatting options in the text box. You can also insert images or links to URLs for more information.

Toggle editor

Toggle between a rich text box with formatting options and plain text box.

Category Image

Upload an image for the type.

Publishing tab

After you have provided the above information, you can provide the publishing information in the Publishing tab as seen in the following image.

You can change the values for the given options using the following table.


Based on the status seen here, the visibility changes as follows:

  • Published - Entries are visible on the front-end. 
  • Unpublished – Entries are invisible in the front-end, but can be published later. 
  • Archived – Older entries that are not ready for deletion yet. 
  • Trashed – Older entries that should be removed.


Access level for site users is as follows:

  • Public access grant access to everybody.
  • Registered access grants access only to registered and logged in users.
  • Special access only grants access to users specified as “Special”.


Select the language for the entry.


Address ID, which can be used in modules, plugins and menus.

Created by

User name who created the entry.

Created Date

Date when the entry was created.