Recently Updated Pages
Overview Agents can function only if they are assigned to a Company and can have a different pho...
Downloads & Support
To download newest version of the extension, please got to login to Support/M...
Overview Before proceeding with this upgrade, it is crucial to create a complete backup of your ...
Problem when accessing listing details, page refresh but listing details can't be seen When con...
Quick Start - JomDirectory
Overview This guide will help you get started with using the JomDIrectory extension quickly. It ...
New Installation
Website Domain The site where a component has been installed should be installed in domain or su...
Languge Files
Overview Our Extensions uses native Joomla language procedures. Translate example - JomDirecto...
QuickStart Installation
QuickStart Package QuickStart is only available for the Business Plan Subscribers. Please...
Overview Administration dashboard gives you an overview of all the activities you can do using t...
Auction Types Overview
In the context of auctions, the main difference between a reverse auction and a regular (or forwa...
Slideshow PRO Module
Live Search Maps Module
Making an Offer / Bid
Overview For every listing made, contractors or companies can provide an offer. This offer inclu...
Listing Messages
User Membership
Manage Listings
Overview You can view all the listings created for your site or create a new listing. The creat...
Front Admin Overview
Overview The dashboard gives a quick snapshot of all the tasks that you can perform using the Fr...
Overview Listings are essentially auctions, encompassing both reverse auctions and standard bid ...