Recently Updated Pages
Overview Messages related to the Contact form available on each listing. If the user wants to co...
Work Type
Overview Work Type for Reverse Actions defines the location where you want to avail the services...
Configuration Steps
Overview These configuration steps needs to be done in order for the component to work correctly...
Creating a new Group for Membership Plans In order to add users to groups for membership plans...
Creating a new Group for Membership Plans In order to add users to groups for membership plans...
Overview Memberships in Extension are required to set user group level based on the monthly/Year...
Overview For every listing made, contractors or companies can provide an offer. This offer inclu...
Slideshow PRO Module
Overview This is an extra paid module available for Business Package, can be also purchased sepa...
Live Search Maps Module
Overview This is an extra paid module available for Business Package, can be also purchased sepa...
Slideshow PRO Module
Live Search Maps Module
Slideshow PRO Module
Live Search Maps Module
Slideshow PRO Module
Slideshow PRO Module
Live Search Maps Module
Live Search Maps Module
Search Module
JomHoliday Search module This module helps you create the search panel with fields that are sear...
User Membership
Overview You can view the user membership plan details on the Front Admin page. If eligible for,...