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How to display your first Download List
Displaying your downloads is easier than you might imagine. Simply navigate to the right side and...
Install and activate plugin
How to install and activate plugin
How to Add Your First Download List / Package
Prerequisites In the previous section, we discussed how to create your first files and publish t...
How to Add Your First Download
Prerequisites Before proceeding, ensure that you have: A working WordPress website. Download...
How to Install a WordPress Plugin
Automatic Installation Automatic installation is the easiest method, as WordPress manages the fi...
Overview Categories allow the site owner to categorize listings into appropriate sections. Exten...
Overview The Address feature, as the name suggests, lets you provide the country, region and cit...
Quick Start - JomOffers
Overview This guide will help you get started with using the JomOffers extension quickly. It hig...
Server software requirements
Server requirements for extensions installation. Joomla Joomla version 4 or higher. PHP versi...
Front Admin Overview
Overview The dashboard gives a quick snapshot of all the tasks that you can perform using the Fr...
Listing as Tours
Overview Tours are time based trips with fixed dates and prices, just like Resources, multiple T...
Listings Resources
Overview Resources are specific details about a listing. For example, in case of a Hotel, they c...
Overview Listings are nothing but the product listings that you want to create in the site. Each...
Overview Administration dashboard gives you an overview of all the activities you can do using t...
Profile & Settings (User Profile)
Overview After creating a user, a user can edit his profile details such as password, email addr...
User Membership
Overview You can view the user membership plan details on the Front Admin page. If eligible for,...
Manage Venues
Overview You can add venues related to the listings using this tab. The following screen shows t...
Manage Listings
Overview You can view all the listings created for your site or create a new listing. The listin...