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Manage Listings


You can view all the listings created for your site or create a new listing. The listings created let you add descriptions, images, provide ratings, and much more. 

Creating a New Listing

The following image shows the Listings screen.


Screen 1: Listing screen

The following table explains the different options seen on the screen.



Insert New

Creates a new Address entry. You must create separate entries for each level of depth that you need.


Publishes the created address entry.


Removes the entry from the list of published address entries


Deletes the address entry that is not required anymore.

Adding a new listing

To create a new listing, click Add New from the Dashboard Menu list. The new listing page is displayed.

New Listing tab

This tab provides options to add title, description, select category, and other options for the Listing as seen in the following image:

The following table shows the options available:




Edit Listing area


Title for the Listing.

AliasProvide an SEO-friendly alias.
CategorySelect the category for the listing.
TypesSelect the business type for the listing.
Advance PaymentSelect the advance payment that the guests should pay to confirm the booking in percentage.

Text Area

Provide a description for the listing.


Page Break Button

Insert a page break in the displayed text.


Toggle editor Button

Toggle between plain text and rich text editor


Read More Button

Insert a separation for creating short description. Any content above the dotted line is displayed as the short description.

In the above image, the red dotted line appears when you click Read More. Any content above the red line is the short description, while the entire content is the long description. Also, note that if there is no content after the Read More tag, the event description will be blank when users view the listing. Ensure that you have content after the Read More tag.


Select the required status.

  • Published
  • Unpublished
  • Trashed
  • Archived


Enable to make the listing appear as featured listing.

Feature Count is being checked when saving listing for the selected Membership Plan.


Select the language for which the listing needs to appear for. For multiple languages, you must create separate entries for each language.



Provide the tags related to the listing.

Address area


Address of the listing


Full address

Street and house number of the listing - If both Address and Full Address specified, map location will position automatically.

Location area


It utilizes the GEO-location based on Google Maps.

Provide the latitude information for the location mapping.



The information provided in this field is used to map the exact location. It utilizes the GEO-location based on Google Maps.

Provide the longitude information for the location mapping.


Maps Search

Search for a specific location. Type in the location and press Enter to go to the exact location.

For more information about how the location mapping is done in the listing, see Listings in the Administrative Guide.

More Options tab

This tab includes all the custom fields created for a particular category. If the custom field is not applied to a specific category, it can be seen for all categories when creating a listing. The following image shows the More Options tab screen.


Screen 3: Other Details tab

For more information about creating custom fields, see Custom Fields.

Images tab

Screen 4: Images tab

To add an image, do the following:

  1. Click Add Image.
  2. Provide options as seen in the following image.

    You can provide values using the following table.

  1. Title or alias

    Provide a title for the Image.


    Select from the following options:

    • Slideshow - detailed view main gallery
    • Gallery - in gallery tab
    • Logo - displayed in sidebar under custom fields and over the image with transparency in listings page.


    Select the required status.

    • Published
    • Unpublished
    • Trashed
    • Archived


    Order in which you want the image to appear.


    Click Choose File and provide the image.


    Provide a description about the image.

    Click Save.

For more information about editing images or deleting images, see Images in the Administrative Guide.

You can also provide YouTube video links for the listing. Provide the link as shown in the above image.

Addons tab

You can select the addons that will be provided for the listing.

Screen 5: Addons tab

Attachments tab

Click the Edit icon to edit an attachment that is linked to the listing. Click the  Delete icon to delete the attachment.

Attachments are detected automatically based on file extension that’s are allowed in Configuration.

Some features or tabs are enabled based on the user membership. If the user is attached to a membership plan that does not allow adding attachments, he will not be able to see any options under the Attachments tab. These membership limitations are checked for when you save the listing.