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Venues are locations where the event is to be held. You can add arenas, concert halls, or more based on your requirements. Before you create Venues, ensure that you have created Venue Categories.

Creating A New Venue

To create a new Venue, click New. The following image shows the venues listing in the venues administration screen.

Screen 1: Venues listing

Edit Venue tab

To edit a venue, either click the venue or select the check box next to the venue and click Edit. The following image shows the Edit Venue tab.

Screen 1: Edit Venue tab

Provide the options as shown in the following table.


Name for the membership plan.

Alias URL alias for “SEF/SEO” URL.


Category where the listing will be published.


Choose the address of the venue.

Street, Number

Enter the street address of the venue.


Select the JomEvents user for the venue.


“Published” Items will be visible in the front-end.
“Unpublished” Items will be invisible in the front-end but intended to be published.
“Archived” Items are old items which are not ready for deletion yet.
“Trashed” Items are old items that should be removed.


Choose if the Venue is approved or not (Y/N)


Choose the language for the venue.

ID This field is auto-populated.
Description Type your description here, the functionality is the same as main Joomla articles.


Click to select Joomla articles that are related to the venue.

Image Click to select the images related to the venue.
Toggle editor Click to toggle between rich text and plain text editors.

It utilizes the GEO-location based on Google Maps.

Provide the latitude information for the location mapping.


The information provided in this field is used to map the exact location. It utilizes the GEO-location based on Google Maps.

Provide the longitude information for the location mapping.

Map Search Search for a specific location. Type in the location and press Enter to go to the exact location.

Understanding the Location area in Edit listing tab

Let us understand how to provide the address and Street/House No for providing the exact locations on the map. When you provide the address, street and House No. in the backend when creating venues, the location position automatically. If the House No. is not provided, additional location fields needs to be used.

Mapping using longitudes and latitudes

If you provide the latitudes and longitudes, and the Maps Search setting is left blank, the location mapping is done based on these parameters as shown in the following image.

Screen 3: Map using longitudes and latitudes values

Mapping with Map Search values 

If the Map Search field has a value provided to it, it takes precedence as shown in the following image. If the Map Search field value is given as “New York”, the location will map to this location.

Screen 4: Map using Map Search Field values

Images tab

This tab includes information about images and videos attached to the listing. Before you can add images to the listing, you must save your listing at least once. This ensure that all the other data you have filled for the listing does not disappear after the images are added.

The Images tab can be seen as shown in the following image:

Screen 7: Images tab

To set the the Order of the images, which one displayed first, drag and drop images to switch positions.
The first image in the gallery is used as the image thumbnail for the listing.

Provide the options as shown in the following table.


Add file area

Add Files

Click to select the image that needs to be uploaded.


Drag & Drop Files Here

Drag a bunch of images to this area to upload multiple images.


Add available images & attachments

Click to add already uploaded images and attachments to this listing.

Images area

Editing an Image


Click the  Edit icon to edit the image details. The options are as seen in the following image:


Click the Delete icon to delete the image.

Attachments area


Click the Edit icon to edit an attachment that is linked to the listing. The screen is as shown here:


Click the Delete icon to delete the attachment.

Attachments are detected automatically based on file extension that’s are allowed in Configuration .

Publishing tab

After you have provided the above information, you can provide the publishing information in the Publishing tab as seen in the following image.


Screen 7: Publishing tab

You can change the values for the given options using the following table.

Created Date

Date when the entry was created.

Start Publishing

Date when publishing needs to start in case of limited viewing of the field.

Finish Publishing

Date when publishing needs to stop in case of limited viewing of the field.

Modified Date

Date when the entry was modified.

Metadata tab

This tab includes the Meta title and Meta description for the listing as shown in the following image:

Screen 8: Metadata tab