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Custom Fields


JomEstate custom fields: Beds, Baths, Garage

For custom fields such as Bed, Bath, and Garage, icons are displayed alongside. To change the style css for these icons, edit the jomestate.css file located in the components/com_jomestate/assets/css folder. These icons are only available for the single language. If the site is multilingual than additional suffixes are added, therefore additional styles needs to be created.

.beds .jd-lab-horizontal-float-icon {background: url("../images/beds.png") 0 50% no-repeat;}
.baths .jd-lab-horizontal-float-icon {background: url("../images/baths.png") 0 50% no-repeat;}
.garage .jd-lab-horizontal-float-icon {background: url("../images/car.png") 0 50% no-repeat;}