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Custom Fields


Custom fields are a powerful tool to build content. We provide a variety of field types with the ability to outline into groups. Each field can be assigned into a single category or all categories.

Creating a Custom Field

Creating a custom field involves setting certain options. To create a custom field, click New as shown in the following image.

Screen 1: Custom Field screen

The following table explains the different options available on the screen.


Creates a new Custom Field.


Provides the edit mode to make changes to the existing level or titles created.


Publishes the created custom field.


Removes the entry from the list of published custom fields.


Archives custom fields that are not used anymore.


Deletes the custom fields that are not required anymore.


Refreshes to incorporate the changes made to the entries in the Custom Field feature.

Editing Custom Fields

If you want to edit existing entries, you can either click the entry from the Custom Fields screen or select the checkbox next to the entry, and then click Edit.

Custom Field Edit

After you click the required entry that you need to edit, you can change the configurations for the fields as shown in the following image.

Screen 2: Custom Field Edit tab

The following table explains the different options seen on the screen:

Custom Field Edit


Title for the Custom Field.



URL alias for “SEF/SEO” URL.



Provide a value from 1 onwards. The lowest value will appear on the top.


Field Required?

Enable whether to make the field required.



Category where the Custom Field will be published.

When you select a custom field for a particular category, it is visible only for that category. While creating a listing if you select the said category and save, the custom field is available only then.

Field Type

Set the Field Type for the Custom Field. For more information, see the Field Type Table.


Field Database Type

Set the field type, needed for database settings.

  • String - Used for text
  • Decimal - Decimal number e.g. 10.060
  • Integer - Number e.g. 1232

Field Group

There are 5 custom field groups. Custom fields are grouped into groups. It has many advantages, one of them is display purposes. There are few groups available:

  • Items - group displayed on the listings page under the description
  • Item - group displayed on the left-hand side of the slideshow under detailed view.
  • Tabs - special group to create own Tabs in detailed view.
  • Paid Items - Paid group displayed on the listings page under the description.
  • Paid Item - Paid group displayed on the left-hand side of the slideshow under detailed view.
  • Location - group displayed under the Location Tab in listing details.

Groups in JomEstate are static and cannot be created or modified.
Paid groups are related to the membership plans that are applied to custom fields. Paid Items are displayed in the Items list, while the Paid Item is displayed in an Item (detailed) view.

Field Can Be Searched

Enable to make the field values searchable.

This setting applies only for the Search Module -> Layout Filter.

Field Search Type

Provide the type of search option to include:

  • Single Input Field Type
  • Range Input Field Type
  • Range Dropdown Field Type
  • Range Slider

Depending on the Field search type you select, the search criteria field will be displayed in the search module – layout side search.

This field is functional when the Field Type is selected as Input and Field can be searched set to Yes

Minimum Value

When, as an example, the Range Dropdown option is selected, you can select the range between which the options can be selected. For example, for Price range between X and Y, with incremental steps of 2, you can set x value in this field.



Maximum Value

Set the Y value for the range in this field.



Define the incremental steps. For example, for increments of x+2, provide the value as 2.


Custom Field Template

Custom fields have own templates that can be used and customized. There are 3 templates available:

  • default (vertical)
  • horizontal
  • horizontal float 

If you would like to create and customize your own templates, see the Developer Guide.



This field is auto - generated.

Custom fields values area

Add new

If the field type is selected to hold multiple values, this button lets you create the multiple values.



Delete the value.

Custom Field Values

This area lets you create values when the field type requires multiple options to be provided. For example, take a look at the following image:

Screen 3: Custom fields values area

Here, the Field Type is selected as Checkbox and the Field Database Type has been stated as String. This means the Custom fields value area should provide options that can be seen by user when they view the Amenities area. Hence, the Values are provided in this area as Burgler Alarm, Cable TV, and Fireplace and so on. The following image shows how the field looks on the add listings page.


Screen 4: Custom Field as seen on new listing page

The custom field is seen on the listings page as shown in the following image:

Screen 5: Custom Field as seen on published listing page

Field Types

With JomEstate extension, you get several field types that you can create based on your requirement. The following image shows the available field types.

Screen 6: Field Types

The following table explains the different options seen on the screen.


Multiple select

Multiple Values


Radio button



Standard radio button with multiple values




Standard check boxes with multiple values




Dropdown (select) field with multiple values

Multiple Select



Select box with multiple values




Single text box

Web Address



Single text box for URL, it will display as the link in the front page




Single text box for email




Text area

Date Time



Select a date and time from the Calendar icon on screen.




Select a date from the Calendar icon on screen.

Editor textarea



Creates a rich text editor box, it can be combined with Tabs group.

Base custom fields: Beds, Baths, Garage

For custom fields such as Bed, Bath, and Garage, icons are displayed alongside. To change the style css for these icons, edit the jomestate.css file located in the components/com_jomestate/assets/css folder. These icons are only available for the single language. If the site is multilingual than additional suffixes are added, therefore additional styles needs to be created.

.beds .jd-lab-horizontal-float-icon {background: url("../images/beds.png") 0 50% no-repeat;}
.baths .jd-lab-horizontal-float-icon {background: url("../images/baths.png") 0 50% no-repeat;}
.garage .jd-lab-horizontal-float-icon {background: url("../images/car.png") 0 50% no-repeat;}

Publishing tab

After you have provided the above information, you can provide the publishing information in the Publishing tab as seen in the following image.

Screen 7: Publishing tab

You can change the values for the given options using the following table.


Based on the status seen here, the visibility changes as follows:

  • Published - Entries are visible on the front-end. 
  • Unpublished – Entries are invisible in the front-end, but can be published later. 
  • Archived – Older entries that are not ready for deletion yet. 
  • Trashed – Older entries that should be removed.


Select the language for the address entry.* For example, if language selected is Spanish, the following settings are seen:


To create a custom field that applies to a particular language, you need to select the appropriate language from the drop down. For each language that you want it to appear for, create a separate entry.

Created Date

Date when the entry was created.

Start Publishing

Date when publishing needs to start in case of limited viewing of the field.

Finish Publishing

Date when publishing needs to stop in case of limited viewing of the field.

Modified Date

Date when the entry was modified.