Reviews are provided by users and can be seen on the Reviews tab in the listing.
Creating Reviews Categories
Review categories can be seen on the Reviews tab in the listing to the user when they are adding a review for that listing as seen in the following image.
Screen 1: Reviews Category screen
Click on category type to edit it:
Screen 2: Add a category for review on listing page
Creating Reviews Recommended
Review recommended can be seen on the listing details Reviews tab in the listing to the user when they are adding a review for that listing as seen in the following image.
Screen 3: Reviews Recommended screen
Click on category type to edit it:
Screen 4: Review Recommended on Listings page
Note: If the reviews are not being shown after submission on the listing page, you must enable Approve Reviews option under component Configuration. For more information. See Configuration documentation.
Adding a Review for listings
After these categories and review recommendation types are added, you can now create a review. To create a review, go to the listings page and click the Reviews tab. Provide the options as seen in the following image:
Screen 5: Adding a Review
After you provide the information, click Submit Review. The Review can now be seen in the listings page, under the Reviews tab.
Editing a review
Now, you can view the review and edit it, if required. Click Extension > Listings. The following image shows the Reviews column for the listings.
Screen 6: View the Review column
Click the
Review icon to view all the reviews for a listing.Now click on the review title to edit it:
Screen 7: Editing a review
Edit the options as given in the following table.
Title |
Edit the title for the review. |
Alias |
Edit the alias for the review. |
Text Editor |
Edit the description in the editor. |
Toggle Editor |
Toggle between rich text and plain text editor. |
Rates |
Move the cursor over the circle to edit the given categories. |
Recommended |
Select the required recommended for group. |
User |
Select the user who created the review. |
Status |
Change the status of the review.
Review on front page
After these types are added, when a user is writing a review, the options are seen as follows: