Shopping Cart Addon Module
JomDirectory includes a shopping cart and checkout, so users can purchase items straight from your product catalogue. Shopping cart addon extends Products functionality by adding possibility to purchase products directly on the list or from the product details page. When addon is installed a new section Orders will appear where all purchases are being logged and also Order status can be changed.
Installing the Shopping Cart Module
The shopping cart module does not need to be installed in order for users to be able to make purchases. However, it does make it easier for users to keep track of their purchases and navigate to checkout.
Start by downloading the shopping cart module. Once downloaded, install the module using Joomla's Extension Manager. Atlernatively, you can install directly from the web.
Configuring JomDirectory's Checkout
The first thing you must do is enable JomDirectory's checkout otherwise users will not be able to add items to the shopping cart and checkout those items for purchase.
To configure JomDirectory's checkout:
- Log into the Joomla! administration control panel then navigate to the JomDirectory dashboard (Components -> Directory),
- Click on the Options button (top right corner),
- Select Product from the list of tabs,
- Change Enable Cart to Yes,
- Save & Close.
Configuring the Module
Once the JomDirectory shopping cart module has been successfully installed, you will need to configure, position and publish it.
The JomDirectory shopping cart is just like any other module and so many of the configuration options will look familiar. Go through the options and configure it to you liking. In particular, configure the position and menu assignment and make sure that Status is set to Published.
IMPORTANT: Cart module should be assigned on all menus related to products!
Adding a Checkout Menu Item
If you have enabled the shopping cart module, you MUST create a shopping cart checkout page menu item otherwise the View Cart button will not work.
- Log into the Joomla! administration control panel if you haven't already,
- Navigate to the Menu Manager (Menus -> All Menu Items or select the menu you wish to add the item to),
- Click on New,
- Specify a menu item of "Shopping
Cart"Cart", - Configure your menu item to your liking,
- Save & Close.
If you are unfamiliar with Menu Manager check out Joomla!'s menu management documentation.
Configure Shipping Providers
Shipping Providers can be configured under custom fields. To create a new shipping provider, access Product custom fields, click create new, field type input and choose group shipping. Once saved it will be available under Product custom fields.
Configure Online and Offline payments.
- Log into the Joomla! administration control panel then navigate to the JomDirectory dashboard (Components -> Directory),
- Click on the Options button (top right corner),
- Select Payments from the list of tabs,
- Configure online and if needed offline payments
- Save & Close.