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The JomDirectory extension can be configured using the options provided with it. You can control multiple factors such as SEO, Printing, Security, Image widths, and more using the options provided.

General tab

This tab controls the elements for Layout, SEO, Security, and Print options. The following image shows the options available on the General tab.


Screen 1: General tab

The following table explains the different options seen on the screen.



Select a layout based on existing components. Global layout is selected by default.


Color Scheme

Select Lite, Silver, or Simple scheme. Current build have only one color scheme available.


Default Listings Sort

Select the Listings from the following options:

  • Latest
  • Updated
  • Alphabetically
  • Most Viewed


Listings Per Page

Select 15, 30, or 60 listings per page.


Premium Listings on Top

Enable to see premium listings on top.

Layout Elements

Enable Print

Enable the “Print” button on listing pages.


Enable Tell a Friend

Enable the “Tell a Friend” button on listing pages.

  Enable Features Enables featured listing on the page.



Enable adding attachments to listings.


Enable Save Listings

Enable the “Save” button on listing pages.


Enable Social Networking

Enable social networking buttons on listing pages.

  Enable User Logo Enable to display user logo for listing.


Enable Address

Show the listing address on listing pages.


Enable Short Descr.

Enable short description.


Enable Youtube

Enable YouTube video embedded on listing pages.


Item Map

Enable google map in the detailed view - location tab      

  Enable Image Enable images to be displayed for listing.


Listings Map

Enable Google map on the listings (items menu link)


Enable Date

Enable date on listings


Maximum Characters for Meta Title

The maximum amount of characters used in the meta title.


Maximum Characters for Meta Description

The maximum amount of characters used in the meta-description.


Print Location

Print the map on print requests.

  Print Reviews Print reviews available for the listing.
Enable Alias For Non-English Characters Enable to provide ability to add alias for non-english characters.

Enable Powered By Link

Enable the “powered by” link on listing pages.

Media tab

This tab provides options to control display of media such as images or videos on the listing pages.

Screen 2: Media tab

The following table explains the options seen on the screen.

Default Image Library

Select the default image library for the listings component between “GD” and “iMagick”. 
For more information see:


Max Attachment Size

The component wide settings for maximum Attachment size in kilo-byte. (1024 KB = 1 MB)

Allowed Files Extensions

Comma separated list of allowed attachment file-extensions.

Video Width

Embedded Video width in pixels. 
(size of the grey-box video player) 
Default size is either 480×385 for a 4:3 video, or 640×385 for a 16:9 video.

Video Height

Embedded Video height in pixels. 
(size of the grey-box video player) 
Default size is either 480×385 for a 4:3 video, or 640×385 for a 16:9 video.

Listing Image Width

The main listing image width in pixels.

Listing Image Format

The format for the main listing image. 
1:1 = Image will be unchanged. 
4:3 = image will be resized to 4:3 format. 
16:9 = Image will be resized to 10:9 format.

Items Logo Image Width

Image width in pixels for Items Logo on the listing page.

Item Logo Image Width

Image width in pixels for Item Logo on the listing page.

Main Gallery Image Width

Image width in pixels for main gallery image. Ensure that the width value given here is as wide as or more than the slideshow width (generally 800-1200 pixels).If this is not done, the slideshow images will be blurred.

Main Gallery Image Height

Image height in pixels for main gallery image.

Main Gallery Image Format

The format for the main gallery image. 
1:1 = Image will be unchanged. 
4:3 = image will be resized to 4:3 format. 
10:9 = Image will be resized to 10:9 format.

Gallery Image Width

Image width in pixels on the photo gallery on the Items view (Gallery tab). Based on the dimension you provide here, the image can be seen as follows:

Gallery Image Format

The format for the main listing image. 

Original = Image as uploaded by user
1:1 = Image will be unchanged. 
4:3 = image will be resized to 4:3 format. 
10:9 = Image will be resized to 10:9 format.

After the images width or format are changed in the Media tab, ensure that you clear the cache for JomDirectory extension. Click System > Clear Cache -> check com_jomcomdev to clear the Joomla cache for our extension.
If possible, image format should be constant for both component and modules. Otherwise, cache issues may appear. 

Email tab

This tab provides options to control the email and security options for the JomDirectory extension.

Screen 3: Email tab

The following table explains the options seen on the screen.


Enable Contact

Enable the contact function on listing pages.


Email Send To

Enable Send Email button on listing pages.


Enable Terms & Privacy

Activate a check-button for TOS and Privacy statements on contact requests.


Terms & Condition

Provide Terms & Condition statement by category.


Privacy Policy

Choose Privacy Policy by category.

  Send Email Copy To Admin Enable to send all email copies to Admin.

Enable Captcha

Enable Captcha for non-registered/logged-in users.


Captcha needs to be configured in Plugins -> ReCaptcha and enabled under Joomla Global Configuration

Enable Captcha for Registered Users

Enable Captcha for registered users as well.

Reviews tab

This tab provides option to enable review ratings when the the slider button is set to Yes as shown in the following image.

Screen 4: Reviews tab

The following table explains the options seen on the screen.

Enable Reviews & Ratings

Enable to make the reviews and ratings option active.

Rating Method

Select the rating method to be used. Available options are circles and stars.

Enable Likes in Reviews

Enable to let users like reviews.

Allow Guest to Review

Enable to let users post guest review without logging in.

Moderate Reviews

Enable to let admin review reviews before making them active.

Enable Terms and Condition Enable to provide users terms and conditions.

Terms & Conditions

Select the page where you want to display the Terms & Conditions

Enable Captcha for Registered Users

Enable Captcha for registered users as well.

Search tab

This tab provides option to enable search when the the Enable Search tag slider button is set to Yes as shown in the following image.

Screen 5: Search tab

Integrations tab

This tab provides options to control map integration for listings.

Screen 5: Integrations tab

The following table explains the options seen on the screen.

Google Maps API Key Specify a Google Maps API key. You can create a key by visiting Google's Get a Key documentation (you will need a Google account to register a key).

Map Type

Select the map type from Google maps.

  • Map
  • Satellite
  • Hybrid
  • Terrain

Default Zoom

Select the default zoom factor for the listing map.

Listings (Items) map zoom is calculated automatically based on all listings and can't be adjusted, same apply for the ajax map search module.

Map Starting Location

Default location or starting point for map search.

Enable Articles Integration (com_content)

Enable article assign button when adding a listing (below description)

Enable Availability Calendar Enable to showcase listing availability with every listing.
ShareThis Key

Specify a publisher key for sharing listings via the ShareThis platform.

To obtain a key, sign up to ShareThis and retrieve your publisher key from your ShareThis profile.

Currency & Price tab

This tab provides options to control display of currency formats for listings.

Screen 6: Currency & Price tab

The following table explains options seen on the screen.


Select the currency to use.

Additional currencies can be added by editing a config file administrator/components/com_JomDirectory/config.xml


The current vat rate for estates in the operating country.

Decimal Digits

Select the number of decimal digits required.

Number Format

Select the number format most suitable for your currency.

Display Digits

Select the format for the digits.

Currency Position

Select if your currency sign will appear before or after the price.

Membership Plans

This tab controls membership options that you want to set for your site.

Screen 8: Membership Plans

The following table explains options seen on the screen.

Default Group For New Users

Select the membership plan that new users are grouped in by default.

Show Free Plan

Enable to display free plan.

Monthly Plan

Enable to display monthly plan.

Membership expiration reminder

Define the days before expiration reminder will be sent.

Front Admin

This tab controls how the menu links are seen on the front admin for JomDirectory. It also provides other options related to front admin.

Screen 7: Front Admin tab

The following table explains the options seen on the screen.


Welcome Article-ID

Set the component's welcome article from Joomla articles.


Help Article-ID

Set the component's help article from Joomla articles.


Profile Menu Link

Set the page for the Profile Menu Link.


Login Menu Link

Set the page for the Login Menu Link.


View Profile Menu Link

Set the page for the View Profile Menu Link.

Enable Features

Approve User’s Listings

When listings are added from the Front Admin, they will not be published unless the site admin approves it.

  Listing Email Notification Enable to send an email to user about listing created.

Reviews Approval By Users

Turn review approval on or off when you login from the Front Admin.

  Enable Location Enable to auto map location.
  Enable Availability Calendar Enable to display availability calendar for a listing.
Payment Settings

Enable Paypal

Enable the Paypal facility for user subscriptions.


Paypal Email Address

Provide the Paypal email that will receive the payments.


PDT token

Provide your Paypal PDT token for secure payments.


Use Paypal Sandbox

Enable for testing your configuration with the Paypal sandbox facility.


Paypal Sandbox Merchant Email

Enable to set your merchant sandbox email address for receiving payments.


Paymens success article ID

Provide the article from Joomla articles that points to the page that the user will go to after payment is made.


This tab provides options to control permissions for different groups.

Screen 8: Permissions tab