Server software requirements
PHP version
PHP 7.4 or later
MySQL server
MySQL version 6.0 or later (we recommend the very latest stable release)
Web server
Any web server daemon - such as Apache, Nginx or IIS, which is fully compatible with the required PHP configuration.
Recommended PHP settings
max_input_time: "100"
magic_quotes_gpc: "Off"
memory_limit: "10M"
file_uploads: "On"
upload_max_filesize: "12M"
short_open_tag: On
php_short_tags: On
Apache server settings
If you have mod_security installed on your apache web server, please ensure that these rules are disabled:
<IfModule mod_security2.c>
SecRuleRemoveById 222390
SecRuleRemoveById 218500
SecRuleRemoveById 980140
SecRuleRemoveById 959100
SecRuleRemoveById 953100